How to improve your website’s security to protect you from hacking attempts

Regardless of what your company website is used for, protecting it from potential threats is essential to safeguarding your data, reputation, and user trust.
We explore several ways to help you up your website security game.

Why you need to urgently upgrade your website (or systems) to TLS1.2 if using AWS SES

On September 15, 2023, AWS will begin deploying updates to their TLS configuration to a minimum of version TLS 1.2, with the rollout scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2023. This means that if you don’t update your SES service to use a minimum of TLS1.2, then between September 15 and December 31, your service will eventually cease working as intended.

Why Your Agency Needs an Outsourced (Australian) Software Development Partner

We explore several key reasons why an Australian Software Development Partner is essential for small to medium-sized advertising or marketing agencies, and how the right partner can revolutionise your operations, driving success in the competitive digital landscape.

What are the risks and downsides when using plugins in your website?

Plugins are one of the primary reasons for the popularity of CMS tools like WordPress. However, while plugins can be useful, they also come with downsides and risks. We explain five key risks and issues involved with using Plugins rather than implementing features to a website with custom code.

Code Brewery Announced as a 2023 National Excellence Award Winner by UpCity

We are delighted to announce that Code Brewery has been recognised as one of the top B2B service providers of 2023 by UpCity! The reward reflects the high level of customer service we provide, resulting in the excellent standard of customer satisfaction that we strive to deliver for every single project we work on. Check out more info inside.

Custom Software versus Off-The-Shelf Solutions

In this article, we take a look at the key pros and cons of Commercial Off-The-Shelf systems versus Custom Software Solutions, and identify what you need to consider before moving ahead with a software project.

A silver lining for businesses during COVID-19

During such a difficult time for many individuals and businesses alike, we have identified some silver linings to living through COVID, which we think will have long lasting impacts, even after COVID has stopped dictating our lives.

14 ideas to grow your agency through digital delegation

Check out this detailed list of reasons why partnering with a software development studio, like Code Brewery, can be very beneficial to your business.