Ferring PharmaceuticalsMiFertility Plan App
We were engaged by an agency partner to collaborate on the development of this hybrid application. The idea behind the app being it would help people going through fertility treatment in the planning process of their treatment cycle.
Our agency partners provided the design, and we were tasked at developing the application in a hybrid environment to be available across both the iOS and Android platforms, as well as being responsive in size to fit all phone and tablet sizes.
The MiFertility Plan App is a comprehensive calendar tool to help support users step-by-step through their fertility treatment cycle. It enables users to record the details of their fertility plan, as prescribed by their doctor, and then provides reminders to the user of their schedule of medicines that they have been prescribed, as well as appointments such as clinic visits, scans and blood tests that have been input into the app. This is done through app notifications as well as having the ability to integrate the events entered within your phone calendar. Other features include ability to share the calendar notifications with a partner, email a summary of the plan to your clinic, and also includes reference videos for Ferring fertility products listed in the app.
HTML5, Cordova, CSS3, JavaScript