LG YOUR DIGITAL LIFERotoscoped website


Build a Facebook Connect website that enables users to upload a picture of themselves to create a short film about their amazing digital life!


Publicis Mojo engaged us to build this site that rotoscoped user images into a predefined video to give it a personal touch with a viral sharing result. Users uploaded a photo of their face via Facebook connect or webcam, then used custom built tools to map their face to the body of the movie hero.

They then selected several FB friends whose profile images would also feature in the movie with them. The video is full of rotoscoped scenes, with complex elements such as turns, shadows, blurs & interactions with the rotoscoped images. We integrated a text-to-speech conversion tool that pulled in recent FB posts from the user & read them out at predefined moments during the movie.

All these elements combined brilliantly to make a very entertaining piece of unique content for the users to share so that all their friends could enjoy and make their own movie as well.


Flash(AS3), ASP.NET (C#), Javascript, Rotoscoping, SQL Server 2008, Facebook API, Acapela API (text-to-speech.)



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